26th ARGENTINE CONGRESS OF HEMATOLOGY organized by the Argentine Society of Hematology


Bioprofarma Bagó participated in the 26th Argentine Congress of Hematology 2023, which was held in November 1-4 at its two venues: the Sheraton Hotel and the Costa Galana Hotel, in the City of Mar del Plata.

The congress was held in its pediatric and adult versions, with numerous plenary sessions held by national and foreign guests, which included Joint Sessions with EHA (European Hematology Association), National Conferences, updates by pathologies through the Subcommittees, and presentations of work in oral and e-poster formats. In addition, the 2023 SAH Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines were activated, which professionals will use to monitor their patients.

Our team had a stand, where the Buenos Aires Oncology and Hematology sales force participated, along with the Medical Department and the Marketing area, to promote the new products in our line: TSUMIS® carfilzomib, y BIOPONIB® ponatinib.

Left to right: Alejandro Rogg, Matías González, Lucas Puche, Juan Manuel López, Eduardo Ferrazzuolo and Gerardo Garona.

New Product Lunch IMPILO®bexarotene

Bioprofarma Bagó replaces TARGRETIN® with IMPILO®bexarotene.

(Español) Nuevo lanzamiento HUTUS® enzalutamida

(Español) Nos complace presentarles nuestro nuevo producto HUTUS® enzalutamida para cáncer de próstata

XXVI Argentine and International Congress of Clinical Oncology organized by the AAOC

November 8-10, the XXVI Argentine and International Congress of Clinical Oncology 2023 was held at La Rural, in the City of Buenos Aires, and Bioprofarma Bago was there.