(Español) Nuevo lanzamiento HUTUS® enzalutamida


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New Product Lunch IMPILO®bexarotene

Bioprofarma Bagó replaces TARGRETIN® with IMPILO®bexarotene.

XXVI Argentine and International Congress of Clinical Oncology organized by the AAOC

November 8-10, the XXVI Argentine and International Congress of Clinical Oncology 2023 was held at La Rural, in the City of Buenos Aires, and Bioprofarma Bago was there.

26th ARGENTINE CONGRESS OF HEMATOLOGY organized by the Argentine Society of Hematology

Bioprofarma Bagó participated in the 26th Argentine Congress of Hematology 2023, which was held from November 1st to the 4th at its two venues: the Sheraton Hotel and the Costa Galana Hotel, in the City of Mar del Plata.