New Product Launch DALCARA®sorafenib


At Bioprofarma Bagó, we are excited to present the launch of the product DALCARA® sorafenib, for our Oncology Business Unit.

DALCARA® sorafenib is approved by ANMAT for:
– the treatment of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma);
– the treatment of advanced stage renal cancer (advanced renal cell carcinoma) when standard treatment has not helped to stop the disease or is not considered appropriate; and
– treatment of thyroid cancer (differentiated thyroid carcinoma).

How supplied:
DALCARA® 200 mg x 112 coated tablets.

DALCARA® sorafenib joins our portfolio of products for the treatment of kidney cancer, together with BIALKO® pazopanib and BIOZANIB® cabozantinib.

This new treatment alternative comes to provide specialists with more options for their patients’ care.

New Product Lunch IMPILO®bexarotene

Bioprofarma Bagó replaces TARGRETIN® with IMPILO®bexarotene.

(Español) Nuevo lanzamiento HUTUS® enzalutamida

(Español) Nos complace presentarles nuestro nuevo producto HUTUS® enzalutamida para cáncer de próstata

XXVI Argentine and International Congress of Clinical Oncology organized by the AAOC

November 8-10, the XXVI Argentine and International Congress of Clinical Oncology 2023 was held at La Rural, in the City of Buenos Aires, and Bioprofarma Bago was there.